Visioneer Strobe XP100 narrow dark line thru some images
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User 1
2005-08-15 17:02:29 UTC
Last year I purchased a Visioneer Strobe XP100 as a small footprint
feeder scanner needed for document archiving. (There don't seem to be
many such products out there for small offices with modest budgets.)

Last week it appeared as if the driver file got corrupted -- it created
images where the text was visible, but with parallel dark lines all
over. Following instructions to "clean" and "recalibrate" didn't do

Visioneer's website was completely unhelpful. So I called their tech
support (not an 800 number), and for half an hour had a tape tell me my
call would be answered in "5 to 10 minutes." When the call was answered
by staff, he seemed to have limited knowledge of known issues, and was
clearly working off prompts from his computer. He insisted that I do a
complete uninstall of all Visioneer files, and my own PaperPort 10 and
that I run a special uninstaller provided by Visioneer apparently to
clean the registry. Visioneer had NO information on PaperPort 10 and
its interactions with the scanner, despite claims to work closely with
that software company.

I followed Visioneer's instructions to the "T" although Windows XP
Service Pack 2 was not very happy with the special uninstall program and
reported essential files missing afterwards.

After reinstalling the Strobe's driver and PaperPort, the same exact
problem of many dark vertical lines in the scanned images reappeared.

Fortunately, I had a recent Norton Ghost image of my C:\ drive from a
date prior to all the Visioneer problems, so I wiped out my c:\ drive
and reinstalled the good prior image.

That restored my system to clean image scanning except for one issue,
one narrow vertical dark line running without variation through the
scanned image at exactly 4.25 inches from from the right side of the
document. This was in black/white, greyscale, and color.

I don't believe that this is a hardware problem because when I view the
image as an uncompressed Tiff in a photo editor, the vertical line is
comprised of one unbroken black line and six parallel unbroken lines
that are medium to extremely light in shade.

I also don't believe that this is a hardware problem because it occurs
only during 200 and 400 pixel resolutions, but not during 100 or 300
pixel resolutions. (I did not try higher resolutions, as this has
already wasted too much time.)

Does anyone know if the "configuration" process supposed to analyze
problems like this and resolve them? Does anyone know if this a known
problem with Visioneer? This is not the only problem I have with it and
they are rather pricey and I'd like to know before I ever buy another
Visioneer product or before I ever think of recommending Visioneer to
others in my work related activities.

Thanks for any responses,
2005-08-16 08:06:44 UTC
streaks are typically catagorised into 2 different types. Electronic or
Contamination. Are the streaks stationary on every image or do they
float accross the page... Are the streaks defined lines or fuzzy lines?
try captureing in greyscale if possible because bitonal may theshold
some of the streaks out or give the dotted streaks appearance...

can you send me sample images? (TIFF CCITT Group4 or PDF)
send them to my work, ***@fcpa.fujitsu.com

User 1
2005-08-16 20:18:26 UTC
Thanks for the reply. I emailed you the samples, but won't be able to
test the driver and scanner on another PC and/or OS until next week.

I appreciate your help.
2005-08-19 09:16:05 UTC
I received your images... email your phone # when you have time to
take a look at a few things on your scanner...


2005-08-16 08:09:53 UTC
try just installing the twain drivers on another pc and testing with a
simple twain compliant application. i.e. word, acrobat, etc...)

can you reproduce the sypmtoms if we eliminate the pc environment as
being a variable?